Liner False Ceiling System

150F / 200F Interior/Exterior

Material/Panels :- 150/200mm wide X 17mm deep, made out of 0.60mm aluminium alloy MM3105 / 5050 with stove enamelled coil coated finish/0.50mm galvanised steel (120gsm/180gsm zinc coating) with stove enamelled coil coated finish. Panel Length upto approx 5m

Stringers :-
 34.5mm wide, 48mm deep made out of 0.95mm aluminium alloy AA5052/0.60mm galvanised steel, with prongs to hold the panels in module of 150mm.

Suspension :- By means of rigid suspension angle/rods or mounted on a steel sub-structure.

Panel Span :- 1000mm max.

Stringer Span :- 1000mm max. spacing of suspension angles.

Finish :- Panels will be finished on exposed side with coil coated stove enamelled PVF2/polyurethane / SMP paint with a wash coate on rear side.

Material/Panels :- 84mm/184mm wide x 12.5mm deep, with a recessed flange of 23.5mm, made out of 0.50mm aluminium alloy IS-31000/AA3105 with powder coated finish – 0.50mm aluminium alloy AA3005/ 3105/ 5050 with stove enamelled coil coated finish -0.45mm galvanised steel with stoveenamelled coil coated finish. Panel length upto approx.5m

Panels Carriers :-
 32mm wide, 39mm deep made out of 0.95mm aluminium alloy AA5052/0.6mm galvanised steel with cutouts to hold the panles in a module of 100mm (84C) or 200mm (184C), gap 16mm closed.

Suspension :- By means of suspension rods and spring clips. One Suspension for every 1.5 to 2 Sq.m.

Finish :- Panels will be finished on exposed side with coil coated stove enamelled PVF2/polyurethane / SMP paint with a wash coat on rear side.